Dr. Kassimu_Purple_Dress_Smile

About Dr. K.’s Health Minute

Jus the Real…in 60 Seconds.

Dr. Kassimu_Purple_Dress_Side_Profile


Dr. K.’s Health Minute is a labor of love. I've seen and heard of so many instances, particularly stories of Black and Brown people that have had health concerns diminished or just plain ignored to their detriment. So many stories of Black women experiencing horrible health outcomes due to lack of access, lack of knowledge, systematic racism, discrimination, or lack of advocacy. As a platform, I created DKHM to educate and empower for we are our keepers. I provide services intended to educate, advocate, and motivate.

My Whys

Dr. Kassimu_Purple_Dress

About Dr. K.’s Health Minute

I made DKHM to serve as a source of tailored health and wellness information free from jargon that can confuse or leave one feeling powerless to take charge of their health. They say that “health is wealth,” but advocacy and knowledge are the currency.

Users of the site can expect weekly content that will be a mix of video, text posts, and reels containing easily digestible health and wellness bites.

Users can also invest in me and themselves by booking a variety of services all to reduce inequity.
